Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2011;17(1):185-195.
Published online February 28, 2011.
남자 대학생의 헤어, 피부, 메이크업에 관한 의식이 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
우수진, 최근희
Research Paper : Influence of Male Undergraduates` Aesthetic Consciousness upon Appearance Management Behavior -Centering on Hair Care, Skin Care, and Make-up(Cosmetics)-
Su Jin Woo, Keun Hee Choi
The purpose of this study was to examine the appearance management behaviors(hair care, skin care and makeup) of male college students, their aesthetic consciousness, the factors of their appearance management behavior and the impact of their aesthetic consciousness on appearance management behaviors. And it`s additionally meant to investigate the influence of their demographic characteristics to make a contribution to the development of the beauty industry. The subjects in this study were 400 male college students in and around Seoul. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. The most prevalent appearance management behavior among the male college students was hair care, followed by skin care and makeup. 2. As a result of checking the impact of their aesthetic consciousness on appearance management behaviors, the appearance management behaviors of the male students were under the influence of their own aesthetic consciousness. 3. Concerning the relationship of their general characteristics to aesthetic consciousness and appearance management behaviors, there were significant differences in body shape management according to major. In conclusion, the aesthetic consciousness of the male college students affected their own appearance management behaviors in a positive manner, and well-educated, professional and full-fledged personnels should be fostered in the beauty industry to address the diverse needs of male college students.
Key Words: Management behaviors, Aesthetic mconsciousness, Male undergraduates`, Positive manner

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