Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2012;18(1):90-99.
Published online February 28, 2012.
뷰티산업의 감성 서비스 요인별 고객만족도
문금옥, 권오혁, 최근희
Research Paper : The Customer Satisfaction from the Factor of Emotional Service on Beauty Industry
Keum Ok Mun, Oh Hyuk Kwon, Keun Hee Choi
As emotion came to the fore in such fields of service industry as emotional management, emotional marketing, emotional engineering and emotional leadership in the 21st century, all the cultural fields also have attached great importance to the value of emotion, thus positioning the emotional trend as a new tide of times. Purpose of this study was to examine the literature on the emotional services of existing cosmetic service business and then present the components of emotional service marketing. In addition, the investigator examined the influence of the five emotional service components recognized by beauty salon users upon customer satisfaction and significance, in order to minimize customers` complaint and cope with customer psychology appropriately, thus providing help in establishing emotional service marketing strategies for customers` re-visitation. In order to concretely materialize consumers` emotional desires in the sales of tangible products and intangible services, it is necessary to examine and find out consumers` psychology. So, the investigator established the service areas of five senses as influential variables upon such dependent variables as satisfaction and preference. And the investigator carried out the analysis on satisfaction and significance as parameters and then statistically processed it through a questionnaire survey. Study findings showed that all the service areas of five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell) had statistically significant influence upon significance and preference. Among them, the sense of sight had the biggest influence upon significance and preference and it was followed by the sense of touch and the sense of smell in order. In addition, study findings showed that beauty salon customers recognized cosmetic services not only by its technologic aspects but also by their five senses` emotional aspects and regarded their five senses` satisfaction with services as their satisfaction with the beauty salon itself. Furthermore, their preferences of a certain beauty salon were influenced by their five senses` satisfaction with services as well.
Key Words: Emotional service, Beauty salon, Customer satisfaction, Five senses, Re-visitation

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