성별 및 탈모유무에 따른 모발의 독성미네랄 함량 비교 |
임은진, 조찬휘 |
T Research Paper : he Comparison of Toxic Mineral Contents in Hair According to Sex and Alopecia |
Eun Jin Im, Chan Hwi Cho |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine the amounts of toxic minerals in hair between adults with and without alopecia so as to provide basic information on the mineral imbalance in people with alopecia and help the treatment for alopecia. The participants are adults from Seoul in their twenties to forties who are divided into two groups; people with alopecia and without alopecia. ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer) is used to analyze the participants` hair. The followings are the result that analyzes these minerals. Among the toxic minerals, there were significant main effects of gender and the presence of alopecia in the levels of Hg. Male group showed higher level of Hg compared with female group. And participants of alopecia showed higher level of Hg and As compared with participant of non-alopecia. Theses findings suggested the content of Hg and As levels in hair could be problematic and compromise the hair management for optimal condition. |
Key Words:
Alopecia, Hair mineral analysis, Toxic mineral, Hg, As |