Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2014;20(1):36-41.
Published online February 28, 2014.
해당화 에탄올 추출물의 멜라닌 생성 억제 효과
유혜수, 문연자, 우원홍, 송제호
Research Paper : Anti-Melanogenic Effects of Ethanol Extracts from Rosa rugosa Thunb
Hye Soo Yu, Yeun Ja Mun, Won Hong Woo, Je Ho Song
In an effort to develop a useful natural whitening agent for cosmetics, we investigated the anti-melanogenic effects of Rosa rugosa onmelanogenesis. We analyzed the anti-melanogenic effects of ethanol extracts from Rosa rugosa by cellular tyrosinase activity, melanin contents, western blot analysis in B16F10 melanoma cells. The cells were treated with Rosa rugosa at several concentrations for 3 days. The results showed that Rosa rugosa significantly reduces the activity of tyrosinase about and at concentration of 12.5.g/ml and 25.g/ml, respectively. Also, when cultures were treated with Rosa rugosa (12.5, 25.g/ml), Rosarugosa decreased melanin synthesis of B16F10 cells with 67%, 62%, respectively. Tyrosinase activity and protein expressions were inhibited by the treatment with Rosa rugosa. Meanwhile, -melanocyte stimulating hormone (.-MSH) induced melanin synthesis and tyrosinase activity of the cells. Rosa rugosa treatment attenuated. -MSH induced melanin synthesis and tyrosinase activity. Collectively, the present results show that the anti-melanogenic activity of Rosa rugosa is correlated with the suppression of tyrosinase activity andprotein expressions in B16F10 cells.
Key Words: melanin, melanogenesis, Rosa rugosa Thunb, tyrosinase

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