성인여성의 식품선호도가 피부건강상태와 체형에 미치는 효과 |
박재영, 이명선 |
Research Paper : Effects of Food Preference on the Health Status of the Skin Among Female Adults According to Somatotype |
Jae Young Park, Myung Sun Lee |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine adult women`s favorite food groups and skin status by their somatotype. The subjects in this study were 500 female adult residents in North Gyeongsang Province, who were in their 20 s to 40 s. After a survey was conducted from August 1 to September 28, 2012, the answer sheets from 485 respondents were analyzed. The questionnaire used in this study dealt with the characteristics of the female adults by somatotype, skin type, dietary habits, life habits and food preference. As for food preference, six food groups were selected, and their preference for the six food groups was checked to determine the level(high, intermediate or low)of their preference. The findings of the study were as follows: Concerning somatotype, sanguine morphology was most prevailing(38.4%), followed by bilious morphology(25.2%). lymphatic morphology (19.6%) and nervous morphology(16.9%). As to favorite food by somatotype, the biggest group(32.8%) was fond of vegetables and fruit, followed by meat, cereals, fish and processed food. The women whose somatotype was of sanguine morphology had a more liking for meat, and the respondents whose somatotype was of nervous morphology had greater preference for vegetables and fruit. In terms of skin troubles, the largest group(30.9%) was concerned about acne and broad pores, and the second greatest group was in trouble due to liver spots, freckles or age spots. The third biggest group was concerned about their sensitive skin and dryness, followed by wrinkles. Modern people seek after health and beauty, and they should pay attention to wellbeing and their own inner beauty first of all to stay healthy and beautiful. This seems to be one of effective ways to ensure successful skincare and somatotype management. In the future, repeated research efforts should be made by selecting alarger number of subjects. |
Key Words:
Food Preference, Inner beauty, Skin type, Somatotype, Obesity |