Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2015;21(2):273-279.
Published online April 30, 2015.
미용실 창업 교육 경험이 점포 환경 구축에 미치는 영향
김선혜, 진용미
Research Paper : The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education Experience on Building a Beauty Shop Environment
Seon Hye Kim, Yong Mi Jin
In this Study, 422 beauty shop owners and founders across the country was surveyed and analyzed in order to comprehend the effect of entrepreneurship education process on environment of beauty shops the result is 1) 50.7% of those questioned were experienced entrepreneurship education process, 2) inexperience subjects before the foundation had more entrepreneurship education than experienced people 3) beauty shop``s form and entrepreneurship education process has to be relevant entrepreneurship education process experience was estimated highly by experienced hands in a qualification factor of founders, a service factor and a facility equipment factor when building the store environment and had a high correlation with a qualification factor of founders, a service factor and a facility equipment factor. experienced person is the Entrepreneurship education experience higher than inexperienced person in the qualification factor of founders (OR 2.765) and service factor (OR 1.072).
Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship education, Beauty shop, Store environment

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