미용교육을 받은 경력단절 여성의 재취업 영향력 연구 |
김수정, 이인희 |
Research Paper : A Study on the Influence of Beauty Education on Re-entry of the Career Interrupted Women |
Soojoeng Kim, Inhee Lee |
Abstract |
This study aimed to research the influence of beauty education as a vocational education for the self-realization and a new life plan on the re-entry of the women whose career was interrupted due to parenting and housework, and to investigate factors to boost re-entry and reduce turnover rate. As a result, the factors of educational content and career counseling service of the sub factors reduced barriers in job market for them and had an influence that improved career preparation for their active re-entry. Therefore, beauty education was verified as the excellent vocational education. In the future, it is considered that the excellence of the beauty education is needed to be studied, developed and verified as a vocational education with objective study results. |
Key Words:
Career discontinuity, Reemployment women, mployment barrier, Beauty education |