헤어샵 예약제 고객만족이 추천의사에 미치는 영향 |
장영하 |
Research Paper : Beauty Salon Appointment Required Impact on Customer Satisfaction Recommended this Doctor |
Young Ha Jang |
Abstract |
Purpose of the study is to find what customer satisfaction in reservation system for a hair shop affects intention to recommend. 519 questionnaires responded by males and females who are living in Seoul and using reservation system for a hair shop was collected and analysed by SPSS 20.0 using frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Result of the analyses is that customer satisfaction in reservation system of a hair shop affects recommendation intention and the more satisfaction in factors such as skill, rapidness, accuracy and convenience, the more intention to recommend reservation system in a hair shop is. Therefore, the study aims to provide with informations and data for establishing systematic reservation service system to maximize customer satisfaction as well as for further study this area. |
Key Words:
Hair shop, reservation system, customer satisfaction, Intention of Recommendation |