Aroma Essential Oil 적용이 알레르기 비염 중학생의 비염 증상과 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 |
원수진 |
The Effects of Aroma Essential Oil Application on allergic Symptoms and the Quality of Life Related to Rhinitis in Middle School Students with Allergic Rhinitis |
Won Su Jin |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of using aroma essential oils on allergic symptoms and quality of life related to rhinitis for middle school students with allergic rhinitis. Methods: A randomized controlled experimental design was used. There were 20 participants in the experimental group, and 21 in the control group. The participants were applied four times a day the essential oils in the skin around nose Questionnaire for Quality of Life Specific to tht Allergic Rhinitis in Korean Children (QQOL-ARK) was composed of 18 questions regarding 4 regions having allergic reactions. The data were analyzed with the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. Result: Rhinitis symptom index, nose itching(p<0.001), sneezing(p<0.001), watery rhinorrhea(p<0.001), and nose congestion(p<0.001) all had a significant difference. For the quality of life related to rhinitis, the results showed significant difference p<0.001). Conclusion: Using aroma therapy by applying essential oils turned out to be an effective nursing intervention that can be utilized in the easing of allergic symptom, causing improvement in the quality of life related to rhinitis. |
Key Words:
Allergic, Aromatherapy, Quality of life, Rhinitis, Students |