일부 중국 여성의 피부 관리 형태와 K-뷰티 교육 참여 희망 정도 |
김미지, 한채정 |
Skin Care and Intention to Receive K-Beauty Education of Some Chinese Women |
Mi-ji Kim, Chae-jeong Han |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine satisfaction level with skin, worries about that, skincare methods and the use of skincare clinics among Chinese women and their intention of receiving K-beauty education in an effort to provide some information for small and mid- sized companies planning to offer skincare services for Chinese women. The subjects in this study were the female Chinese tourists visiting Korea and the female Chinese employees of PwC, a multinational company in Shanghai, China. A total of 473 questionnaires were collected and used for final analysis. The main results of this study are as follows. First, the largest group of the Chinese women investigated considered their own skin to be of combination type, followed by neutral, oily, dry and sensitive types, and there were significant differences according to age. They weren`t satisfied a lot with their skin, and no significant differences were found in that regard according to age. Second, the greatest difficulty that they had in their skin was big pores, followed by skin troubles, skin tone and dark circles. The biggest group of the women tried to use cosmetics to remove these difficulties. They mostly preferred self-care and made little use of skincare clinics. Third, more than half the Chinese women had lots of interest in K-beauty education. Therefore if skincare providers attempt to make inroads into the Chinese market after discreetly preparing successful marketing strategies and skincare programs that suit the tastes of Chinese consumers, their future will be bright. |
Key Words:
Chinese women, K-beauaty, Skincare clinics, Skincare methods, Skin satisfaction |