두피관리 효과와 관련된 변인에 대한 메타분석 |
한채정 |
Meta-analysis for Variables Related to Scalp Care Effect |
Chae Jeong Han |
Abstract |
This study compared the results of previous studies with scientific and systematic analysis of scalp care effects through Meta-analysis. The selection of research papers was carried out on data we collected using `scalp` and `hair` as search terms targeting Master`s and doctoral thesis and journals published in Korea from January 2008 to December 2016. The overall effect size of the variables related to scalp care effect can be interpreted as a `large effect`. The size of blood pressure control effect of physiologic variables is a moderate effect, while the effect of physiologic variables is a big effect, and the psychological adjustment effect of physiologic variables is a big effect. The size of the hair improvement effect of psychological variables according to the scalp care method was a `big effect`, and the correlation effect between sub-variables is the largest in the electric stimulation parallel therapy followed by hand massage parallel therapy, other hair therapies, and MTS parallel therapies. An effect size analysis through regression analysis related to continuous variables was closer to the recent publication, and the larger the effect size of variables related to the scalp care effect. In conclusion, scalp care effect through meta-analysis showed effectiveness in blood pressure control effect size of (both systolic and diastolic blood pressure) physiological variables, the hair improvement effect size (scalp keratin improvement, hair thickness, hair density, number of hair, moisture, and oil) of physiological variables, and the psychological adjustment effect size (stress) of physiological variables. |
Key Words:
Hair, Meta-analysis, Physiological variables, Psychological variables, Scalp care therapy |