건자두 추출물의 항산화활성 및 미백효과 |
손효정, 황완균, 이은주 |
The antioxidant activities and Whitening Effect Prunus domesica L. extracts |
Son Hyo Jeong, Wan gyun Whang, Lee Eun Ju |
Abstract |
This study is includes an experiment on anti-oxidative and whitening effect of Prunus domestica L. to test its effect as an ingredient for cosmetics and also to learn the possibility of developing it into an ingredient for functional cosmetics. Through extracting and graduating Prunus domestica L., the fractions of the main ingredient to learn the content. Two methods were used to measure the anti-oxidative effect: DPPH and ABTS. The anti-oxidative effect was most active in the EA fraction, in which the deglycoslated. To mea measure the whitening effect, the IC50 was measured, which is the level of concentration needed for the BuOH fraction to control the formation of tyrosinase by 50%. The tyrosinase inhibition rate was measured to be 53.86%. Based on the results from above experiments, a clinical trial was conducted. The experiment took place for 4 weeks, and after the experiment period, the moisture, redness, and melanin were measured. The values were analyzed using the t-test to judge their statistical significance. A photograph of the subjects` face was taken, and was reviewed with the naked eye. It was confirmed that the prune cream has active anti-oxidative and whitening effect. The results have shown that the prune extract would be a good natural ingredient for cosmetics that is human body-friendly. In particular, it would be most appropriate to use BuOH, which was found to have an outstanding anti-oxidative effect and tyrosinase controlling effect, for whitening cosmetics. |
Key Words:
ABTS, Anti oxidant, DPPH, Neo chlroorogenic acid, Prunus domestica L. |