피부 상태에 따른 우울감이 생활 스트레스와 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 비교 |
김미성 |
A Study on the Effects of Depression Caused by Skin Condition on Life Stress and Quality of Life |
Mi-seong Kim |
Abstract |
This study comparatively researched the effects of depression caused by skin condition on life stress and quality of life, to understand the emotional response process caused by appearance perceived by oneself. In order to verify the research questions, targeting adult male and female in their 20s-40s, the questionnaire about the perceived skin type, skin condition, depression, life stress, and quality of life was distributed, and total 707 questionnaires were collected/analyzed. Through the factor analysis on depression, life stress, and quality of life, each dimension was examined and then the multiple regression analysis was conducted to see the effects of depression caused by skin condition on life stress and quality of life. In the results of the analysis, the dry, oily, and complex skin type showed higher interactive stress than normal and sensitive skin. The normal skin showed high positive stress while oily skin showed high reactive stress due to anxiety of health. Regarding the quality of life, every skin type showed low psychological satisfaction while the dry skin showed the lowest satisfaction. Depression caused by skin condition could increase life stress and also influence physical, mental, and psychological health. In accordance with skin condition of skin type, skin trouble or skin problem is caused by sebum, dryness, pimple, and freckle, which could be led to depression such as burnout, hypersensitivity, and anxiety. Verifying the relations between depression in accordance with facial skin condition, stress, and quality of life, this study showed the importance of skincare and also the necessity of proper coping with customers` psychological changes. It also showed the close correlations between depression, stress, and facial skin condition in the aspect of cosmetology. |
Key Words:
Depression conditions, Life stress, Quality of life, Skin type |