미용학원의 교육 서비스품질이 진로포부와 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 |
임효선, 양은진 |
The Effects of Education Service Quality of Beauty Academy on Career Aspiration and Career Preparation Behavior |
Hyo-sun Lim, Eun-jin Yang |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of beauty education service quality of beauty school on career preparation behavior and career aspiration of beauty school students. The results of this study are as follows. First, the general characteristics of the survey subjects were as follows: female students were more than male students (85.4%), the ages were the teenagers (62.4%), the monthly average income was less than 1 million won (82.0%), The most subjects were hair, followed by skin, makeup, and nail. Second, it was found that the effect of beauty education service quality on career aspiration had a significant positive effect. Third, the effect of beauty education service quality on career preparation behavior was significant. The purpose of this study is to provide quality education services and marketing materials. |
Key Words:
Beauty academy, Career aspiration, Career preparation behavior, Education service quality |