미용사의 일과 삶의 균형이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 |
조해인, 양은진 |
The Effect of Hairdresser’s Work-Life Balance on the Quality of Life |
Haein Jho, Eunjin Yang |
Abstract |
The study looked at the impact of a hairdresser`s work and life balance on quality of life. First, we divided the factors for work-life balance into work-family balance, work-growth balance, and work-spare time balance, and looked for differences depending on the general characteristics of a hairdresser. also divided the quality of life into factors of ability, health, and stability to identify differences in general characteristics. After examining the effects of work-life balance on the quality of life, we found that among factors of ability, health, and stability, work-growth and work-spare time have positive effects and work-family have negative effects. Therefore, a good balance between a hairdresser's work and life will change the overall quality of their lives positively and the more support they provide for growth and leisure, the better their quality of life will be. |
Key Words:
Beauty management, Hairdresser’s, Labor Market of Beauty, Quality of Life, Work-Life Balance |