Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2019;25(5):1162-1168.
Published online October 31, 2019.
미용전공 대학생의 직업가치와 사회적 지지가 진로결정 수준에 미치는 영향
이희아, 김수연, 이명주
The Influence of Work Value and Social Support on Career Decision for Student Whose Major is Beauty
Hee-a Lee, Soo-yeon Kim, Myoung-joo Lee
The purpose of survey is to understand how work value and social support have an effect a career decision for those whose major is beauty at college and university in Seoul and Kyung gi-do. Regarding the influence of work value, if honor is more considered than income, the work value has a positive influence on career decision. The confidence in career decision among sub factor of career decision, if human relationship and horror are more considered, the career decision is made more confidently. Regarding the influence of social support confident in career decision among sub factor of career decision. if social support from parents, friends, professor etc. is strong, it helps student make their career decision. It is highly recommended that all student have to make their own plan for their career and try to get all required information. In addition, the University (or College) should develop the career preparation, education program and each department should utilize the program aggressively and try to review and improve it consistently. Furthermore, the department should have career counselling continuously to help students prepare for their career based on aptitude and capability to help students improve their career decision. But it is a bit hard to generalize work value and social support based on this survey since it was conducted based on only 4 universities (colleges). Another limitation of this survey is that It doesn
Key Words: Career Decision Level, Social Support, Students in Beauty Art Major, Work Value

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