미용종사자의 긍정심리가 직무만족에 미치는 영향 연구 |
차경희, 조현진, 서예지, 박은준 |
The Effect of the Affirmative Psychology on Job Satisfaction of the Hairdresser |
Kyoung Hee Cha, Hyeon Jin Jo, Ye Ji Suh, Eun Jun Park |
Abstract |
The beauty service industry relies heavily on the human resources of its members due to its nature, an artistic profession conducted by a person's senses, and the issue of workers' job satisfaction has recently emerged as an even more important part. The study sought to increase workers' job satisfaction. This study used questionnaire to collect data and use SPSS 22.0. To see the effects between each variable, a regression analysis was used to determine the effects of the variable. As a result, single women aged under 20 years old and 30 years old had the highest response rate, with a college degree, a working-level official, and an average monthly income of less than 3 million won, more than 2 million won.She also said her beauty career is less than four years old. In addition, affirmative psychology was derived by three factors: self-efficiency, optimism and resilience, while task satisfaction was derived from organizational relationships, wage and welfare, and satisfying the work system. Looking at the impact of positive psychology on job satisfaction, the self-efficiency of positive psychology has the greatest impact on job satisfaction. Therefore, efforts will be needed in Salon, such as creating an environment where employees can freely express their opinions and giving them time to develop themselves so that their self-efficiency can increase. |
Key Words:
Job satisfaction, Positive psychology, Self-efficiency |