성인여성의 미세먼지에 대한 피부 유해성 인식 및 피부반응 자각증상과 피부관리 행동에 관한 조사연구 |
이지민, 김호진, 김지영, 한채정 |
A Study on the Awareness of Skin Harmfulness and Skin Reaction Symptoms and Skin Care Behavior about the Particulate Matter of Adult Women |
Jimin Lee, Hojin Kim, Jiyoung Kim, Chae-jeong Han |
Abstract |
The particulate matter problem was serious enough to become a social issue in Korea in 2019. As it has become known that particulate matter can cause various diseases in the human body, many people have anxiety about particulate matter, and it is affected variously in our life. In this paper, to investigate the perception and effect of particulate matter on the adult women's skin type, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the awareness of skin harmfulness of particulate matter, symptoms of skin reaction and skin care behavior for women in their 20s to 60s. As a result, adult women were highly aware of the severity of particulate matter. In addition, the skin reaction was high, and the difference was clearly shown by skin type. However, the skin care behavior for particulate matter did not differ significantly by skin type. |
Key Words:
Awareness of skin harmfulness, Particulate matter, Skin care behavior, Skin reaction symptoms |