DEA 모형을 활용한 전문대학 뷰티관련 학과 운영의 효율성 연구 |
윤초희, 노영희 |
A Study on the Operational Efficiency of the Department Beauty Related Majors in Colleges using Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) |
Cho-hee Yun, Young-hee Noh |
Abstract |
Since the inception of beauty major, the only 37.5% of the department beauty in colleges, make the beauty majors efficient. Therefore, based on 2017 public university data, will serve evaluating methods of potential increased operational efficiencies. The results are the following: 34.5% of the professional colleges showed operational inefficiencies in the beauty related majors. Department Beauty Related Majors that were efficiently run had high faculty lecture ratio and enrolled student ration, and the contracted beauty departments had high scholarship awarded and admitted to enrolled ratio. Beauty departments had the highest employment rate, and as departments showed high industry internship experience per student, it showed correlation with admitted to enrolled student ratio, continued enrollment student ratio. The professional colleges should take efforts to optimize the value proposition of t heir input resources and outputs by benchmarking other universities. |
Key Words:
Beauty department operation efficiency, Beauty related department, Efficiency, Public university information |