Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2020;26(4):784-794.
Published online August 31, 2020.
미용전공 대학생의 미용실무경험, 교육만족, 업무태도의 관계
김혜림, 박은준
Relationship between Beauty Experience, Educational Satisfaction and Attitude of College Students in Beauty Major
Hye-rim Kim, Eun-jun Park
After majoring in college, the need to possess professional practical skills was emphasized, and the importance of career preparation and development through a beauty practice experience was emphasized in order to acquire skills through various skills. For the empirical data required for the study, 400 questionnaires were used as the final analytical data. As a result of the study, it was found that the effect of the experience of beauty practice on educational satisfaction significantly affects all factors of educational satisfaction in the case of business environment factors, and the main attachment factor is the most important in effect and content satisfaction. In addition, the practical competency factor was found to have the greatest effect on the satisfaction of educational effect, and the effect of the experience of beauty practice on the work attitude was found to have the greatest influence on competency and challenge. Psychiatric responsibility factors. Turned out to be crazy In addition, the effect of educational satisfaction on work attitude was found to have the greatest effect on the competitive effect, challenge spirit, and responsibility factor in the case of the educational effect satisfaction factor. The meaning is as follows. First, we believe that a systematic wage system needs to be improved in order to strengthen employee welfare programs by actively motivating employees by actively utilizing and developing employee competency enhancement programs. Second, it should be possible to perform hands-on training programs and hands-on learning such as apprenticeship and work learning parallel processing at the same time, and the number of supporters should be secured enough to actively introduce a 1: 1 system. Third, it is necessary to design a curriculum to analyze the purpose of the curriculum, find association with the course, and utilize the beauty education curriculum model through the evaluation process.
Key Words: Attitude, Educational satisfaction, Salon experience

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