Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2008;14(2):365-377.
Published online June 30, 2008.
손상모에 대한 클리닉 전,후의 모표피와 커트후의 절단면 비교
정인복, 이주영
Research Paper : Examination of Hair Cuticle Condition and Cross Section after Clinical Treatment of Damaged Hair
In Bok Jeoung, Ju Young Lee
This thesis was intended to examine the hair cuticle and cross section regarding the damaged hair due to damages from chemical treatment during hair styling, in other words protein denaturation by chemicals or heat, and delamination or falling off of cuticle layer among hair damages. A total of 8 women in their 40`s were selected as study subjects where 6 hair pieces were made for each for a total of 48 used. Each piece was damaged artificially after which hair cuticles before & after clinical treatment and cross sections of blunt and notching cuts were observed under electronic microscope (SEM). First, as a result of observing the condition of cuticles, before clinical treatment, they were loose with cornifications, bubbles and hardening phenomenon, even melted down or had holes. After clinical treatment, however, supply of oil & moisture made them smooth with substantial lessening of cornification and hardening as well as cuticular markings maintaining stable form. Second, by comparing the cross section in the case of cutting, before clinical treatment, the edges of cross section were filthy with marked delamination of cuticle and cortex layers, there were also breaking of cortex layer thus even showing signs of Trichorrhexis Nodosa. Nevertheless, after treatment, there were relatively clean cross section and edges, breaking of cortex layer was nearly non-existent and delamination was also much lessened thus showing greatly reduced damage.
Key Words: Clinical Treatment, Hair Cuticle, Cross Section, SEM

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