Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2008;14(2):524-534.
Published online June 30, 2008.
염색(染色) 후(後) 경시적(經時的)인 모발(毛髮)의 형태변화(形態變化)와 염색(染色) 영향인식(影響認識)
이진옥, 이주영
A Study on the Periodical Shape Changing of Hair and Recognition of Hair-Coloring Effect after Hair-Coloring Treatment
Jin Ok Lee, Ju Young Lee
This study wished to search about shape changing of hair and recognition of hair-coloring effect after hair-coloring treatment. First, in view of a result after measuring changes of hair thickness before and after the hair-coloring of normal hair, average thickness of measured object hair was increased, but there was not any special difference in statistical data in comparing before hair-coloring with after 2 and 4 weeks. Second, in observing cuticles with SEM, each scale layer in the hair cuticle layer before the hair-coloring treatment was adhered closely in regular space. Third, in observing cuticles with TEM, it could be seen border membrane of cuticle layer and cuticle layer became clear border without any damage in the normal hair before the hair-coloring treatment. Forth, analysis showed that five causes were special factors of hair loss people who had experienced the hair-coloring in test as a result of multi logistic recurrence analysis.
Key Words: Hair-Coloring Effect, Cuticles Layer, Damage, Hair Loss

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