Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2009;15(4):1499-1507.
Published online December 31, 2009.
미용복지 봉사활동 이용실태 및 활성화 방안 -사회복지사를 중심으로-
이미연, 원정재, 최근희
Research Paper : The Use and Activating Scheme of Beauty Welfare Volunteering -Focusing Social Welfare Specialists-
Mi Yeon Lee, Jeoung Jae Won, Keun Hee Choi
Social welfare service is an individual and professional support provided by the central government or local governments for normal social life of all members of society such including citizens. It supports and raises the welfare of all nations, and pursues well-being of all members of society as well as the welfare for special objects. When the society makes progress toward the welfare society, each beauty university introduces courses related to welfare to cultivate professionals for beauty welfare and makes efforts for professional education. This study aims to discuss especially the quality improvement of beauty welfare service among various social welfare fields and the necessity of newly recognized beauty welfare activities through sustainable beauty welfare service. The survey around social workers, public social workers and professionals in charge of social welfare service in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and other districts was conducted. As the lifespan of human being is prolonged by the development of cutting-edge science, especially medical science, aging population and acquired disability rate by industrial disasters or accidents are rapidly and gradually growing. For the good-health and welfare of those the aged and the disabled, various cares are absolutely necessary. The necessary and sufficient condition of welfare society should be satisfied by cultivating beauty welfare professionals with full knowledge of fundamental concepts on welfare, doing and systematic and efficient beauty welfare activities.
Key Words: Social Welfare, Service, Beauty Welfare, Aging Population

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