Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2009;15(4):1508-1518.
Published online December 31, 2009.
헤어 미용교육 브랜드별 비교를 통한 응용 커트 분석
정윤석, 권오혁, 최근희
Research Paper : An Analysis of the Applicational Haircut based on Comparison of Hair Educational Brand
Yun Seok Jung, Oh Hyuk Kwon, Keun Hee Choi
The paper is significant in the sense that the practical application of haircut based on comparison analysis of typical hair brand. The paper is composed of as follows: Section 1, briefs purpose and methods of the paper. Section 2, explains haircut techniques that are backgrounds of typical hair brand theory. Section 3, describes techniques that needs in Korean-style haircut and explains characteristics, differences, and merits and demerits. In conclusion, the paper examines the need for Korean-style haircut: First, by comparing western and eastern haircut, basic techniques in haircut are interactive relationships among multiple factors and ideas of designers and backgrounds in diversity are base for Korean-style cut. Second, there are differences in basic principle and streams by comparing western and eastern modeling recognition. This paper contributes for reforming western hair style into newly created style that is matching with Korean and then changes foreign style into Korean-style by summarizes eight steps of operation processes. This paper shows that newly crated styling cut can be introduced by analyzing western and eastern style. More explicit methods need to be developed from this study. It was hard to empirically shows exact data result because previous literatures do not exist. It would be better if experiments based on data from various models were performed.
Key Words: Hair Brand, Haircut Techniques, Hair Style, Operation Processes

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