Cho, M. S. (2020). Perception and Continuous Use Intention of Aroma Therapy of Korean and Chinese People, Unpublished master’s thesis, Hansung University, Seoul.
Choi, S. R. (2014). Effects of Inhalation of Chamaecyparis Obtusa Essential Oil on Stress and Depression in General Office Workers, Unpublished master’s thesis, Korea National University of Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Seoul. (2022). The current status of the sale of Gwangju Metropolitan City Museum.(accessed Jan., 18, 2024).
Ham, H. J. (2015). The Study on Aroma Essential Use and Scent Preference, Unpublished master’s thesis, HanSung University, Seoul.
Heo, S. H. (2018). Chemical Constituents Based Classification and Meta-Analysis of Effects of Blended Essential Oils for Aromatherapy. Unpublished doctor’s thesis, Universiti of Brain Education, Chungcheongnam-do.
Kang, S. Y. (2014). Characteristics of electroencephalographic response induced by the concentration chance of essential oils and fragrance note, Unpublished doctor’s thesis, Soongsil Universi, Seoul.
Khil, T. G. (2016). A Comparative Analysis of Cypress Essential Oil from Three Local Areas of Korea Extracted by Steam distillation Method, Unpublished master’s thesis, Sun Moon University, Chungcheongnam-do.
Kim, E. S. (2010). Research Study on the Preference, Use and Satisfaction of Aroma Perfume among Adolescents, Unpublished master’s thesis, KonKuk University, Seoul.
Kim, J. H. (2011). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of lemon and eucalyptus essential oils, Unpublished master’s thesis, Kon kuk University, Seoul.
Kim, H. R., & Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on the Preference of Cypress Fragrance -Around Gwang-ju Metropolitan City.
Jounal of the Korean Society of cosmetology,
29(1), 268-273, doi:
Kim, J. S. (2007). The research on perception and Aroma preference with the essential oils, Unpublished master’s thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Kim, M. O. (2008). A Study on the Recognition of Aroma Oil among Common Consumers and the Usability, Unpublished master’s thesis, Yong-in University, Gyeonggi-do.
Kim, S. M., Jang, K. J., Choe, T. B., Lee, S. H., & Kim, H. J. (2009). Controlling the salivary cortisol level of middle aged women by jasmine oil. Korean Journal of Aesthetics and Cosmetics Society, 7(1), 37-50.
Kwak, B. M. (2019). Studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of the supercritical fluid extraction from Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl, Unpublished doctor’s thesis, Ajou University, Gyeonggi-do.
Lee, E. K., & Jeong, S. H. (2020). A Study on the Development of Regional Specialized Beauty Convergence Industry -Focusing on Gwangju Metropolitan City-.
The Korean Society of Science & Art,
38(5), 411-422, doi:
Lee, G. H. (2015). The Effect of Korean TV Drama PPL Characteristic to the Brand Presonality and Consumerʼs Preference-Chinese tourists, Unpublished master’s thesis, Arts Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on Changes in Hair Condition of Shampoo Containing Aroma Essential Oil.
Jounal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology,
29(1), 260-267, doi:
L, L. (2019). A Study on the Activation Plan of Beauty Tourism in Gwangju, Unpublished master’s thesis, Graduate School of Nambu University, Gawng-ju.
Lee, M. O., & Park, S. J. (2004). A theoretical study on the aroma therapy for scalp care. Journal of Korean Beauty Society, 10(3), 223-232.
Lee, Y. M., Mun, S. H., Choi, S. B., Jung, T. U., & Lee, S. Y. (2012). Development of aroma theraphy products using perfume materials of Dendropanax morbiferus and Hinoki cypress, Jangheung-gun.
Lee, D. H. (2020). Development of functional cosmetics material using Citrus Junos SIEB ex TANAKA peel and Hinoki cypress leaves, Unpublished master’s thesis, Kyonggi University, Gyeonggi-do.
Lee, J. H. (2008). The Development of the Contents and Design for Memorabilia as Market Items for Industries Related to Cultural Tourism, Unpublished doctor’s thesis, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
Lee, S. B. (2013). The development of complex cosmeceutial ingredients from Chamaecyparis obtusa extracts, Unpublished master’s thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Oh, S. J. (2017). Cultural Marketing of Department store and Effect on Preference and Return visit Intention of customers, Unpublished master’s thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Park, H. J. (2021). A Semiotic Analysis of a Marketing Communication Strategyfor Brand Fragrances:: With a Focus on Luxury Brand Perfumes, Unpublished master’s thesis, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul.
Shin, G. R. (2009). The therapeutic effect of mixed oil of German chamomile, lavender, sandalwood on atopic dermatitis of animal model, NC/Nga mice, Unpublished doctor’s thesis, Daejeon University, Dae-jeon.
Shin, Y. H. (2012). A Study on Compound Analysis and Effect of Biological activity and Antimicrobial for Natural Essential oil in Cosmetics Indust, Unpublished master’s thesis, Daegu Haany University, Gyeongsanbuk-do.
So, J. H., & Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on the Perception of Aroma Oil by Diet Lifestyle.
Jounal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology,
29(5), 1295-1306, doi:
Son, W. Y. (2019). A Study on the Effect of the Fragrance Characteristics on the Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior and Shopping Satisfaction and Intent to revisit. Unpublished master’s thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seeoul.
Turker, W. Y. (1964). The Development of the brand loyalty. Jouurnal of Marketing Research, August.
Cho, M. S. (2020). Perception and Continuous Use Intention of Aroma Therapy of Korean and Chinese People, Unpublished master's thesis, Hansung University, Seoul.
Choi, S. R. (2014). Effects of Inhalation of Chamaecyparis Obtusa Essential Oil on Stress and Depression in General Office Workers, Unpublished master's thesis, Korea National University of Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Seoul. (2022). The current status of the sale of Gwangju Metropolitan City Museum.(accessed Jan., 18, 2024).
Gu, Y. 8.4 million tourists to Gwangju last year...Mudeungsan Mountain has the highest number of 2.09 million, NEWSIS, [cited 2023 Mar 06], Available From: (accessed Nov, 20, 2023).
Ham, H. J. (2015). The Study on Aroma Essential Use and Scent Preference, Unpublished master's thesis, HanSung University, Seoul.
Heo, S. H., & Yoo, S. M. (2016). Relations Between Aroma Essential Oil Blending Based on Oil Characteristic sand In-San Body Constitution Based on Blood Type. Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology, 22(6), 1236-1244.
Kang, S. Y. (2014). Characteristics of electroencephalographic response induced by the concentration chance of essential oils and fragrance note, Unpublished doctor's thesis, Soongsil Universi, Seoul.
Khil, T. G. (2016). A Comparative Analysis of Cypress Essential Oil from Three Local Areas of Korea Extracted by Steam distillation Method, Unpublished master's thesis, Sun Moon University, Chungcheongnam-do.
Kim, J. H. (2011). Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of lemon and eucalyptus essential oils, Unpublished master's thesis, Kon kuk University, Seoul.
Kim, H. R., & Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on the Preference of Cypress Fragrance -Around Gwang-ju Metropolitan City.
Jounal of the Korean Society of cosmetology,
29(1), 268-273, doi:
Kim, J. S. (2007). The research on perception and Aroma preference with the essential oils, Unpublished master's thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Kim, M. K. (2023). Effects of Awareness, Efficacy, and Knowledge Level of Aroma Essential Oil on Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Behavior Intention, Kon kuk University, Seoul.
Kim, M. O. (2008). A Study on the Recognition of Aroma Oil among Common Consumers and the Usability, Unpublished master's thesis, Yong-in University, Gyeonggi-do.
Kim, S. M., Jang, K. J., Choe, T. B., Lee, S. H., & Kim, H. J. (2009). Controlling the salivary cortisol level of middle aged women by jasmine oil. Korean Journal of Aesthetics and Cosmetics Society, 7(1), p.37-50.
Kwak, B. M. (2019). Studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of the supercritical fluid extraction from Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl, Unpublished doctor's thesis, Ajou University, Gyeonggi-do.
L, L. (2019). A Study on the Activation Plan of Beauty Tourism in Gwangju, Unpublished master's thesis, Graduate School of Nambu University, Gawng-ju.
Lee, E. K., & Jeong, S. H. (2020). A Study on the Development of Regional Specialized Beauty Convergence Industry -Focusing on Gwangju Metropolitan City-.
The Korean Society of Science & Art,
38(5), 411-422, doi:
Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on Changes in Hair Condition of Shampoo Containing Aroma Essential Oil.
Jounal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology,
29(1), 260-267, doi:
Lee, M. O., & Park, S. J. (2004). A theoretical study on the aroma therapy for scalp care. Journal of Korean Beauty Society, 10(3), 223-232.
Lee, Y. M., Mun, S. H., Choi, S. B., Jung, T. U., & Lee, S. Y. (2012). Development of aroma theraphy products using perfume materials of Dendropanax morbiferus and Hinoki cypress, Jangheunggun.
Lee, D. H. (2020). Development of functional cosmetics material using Citrus Junos SIEB ex TANAKA peel and Hinoki cypress leaves, Unpublished master's thesis, Kyonggi University, Gyeonggi-do.
Lee, J. H. (2008). The Development of the Contents and Design for Memorabilia as Market Items for Industries Related to Cultural Tourism, Unpublished doctor's thesis, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
Lee, S. B. (2013). The development of complex cosmeceutial ingredients from Chamaecyparis obtusa extracts, Unpublished master's thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Oh, S. J. (2017). Cultural Marketing of Department store and Effect on Preference and Return visit Intention of customers, Unpublished master's thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
Shin, G. R. (2009). The therapeutic effect of mixed oil of German chamomile, lavender, sandalwood on atopic dermatitis of animal model, NC/Nga mice, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Daejeon University, Dae-jeon.
Shin, Y. H. (2012). A Study on Compound Analysis and Effect of Biological activity and Antimicrobial for Natural Essential oil in Cosmetics Indust, Unpublished master's thesis, Daegu Haany University, Gyeongsanbuk-do.
So, J. H., & Lee, J. H. (2023). A Study on the Perception of Aroma Oil by Diet Lifestyle.
Jounal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology,
29(5), 1295-1306, doi:
Son, W. Y. (2019). A Study on the Effect of the Fragrance Characteristics on the Consumer's Purchasing Behavior and Shopping Satisfaction and Intent to revisit. Unpublished master's thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seeoul.
Turker, W. T. (1964). The Development of the brand loyalty. Jouurnal of Marketing Research, August.