헤어 미용 소비자가 인지하는 가격이 쾌락적 쇼핑가치에 미치는 영향 |
지수현, 양은진 |
The Effects of Price perceived by Hair Beauty Consumers on Hedonic Shopping Value |
Su-hyun Ji, Eun-jin Yang |
Abstract |
Today, consumers desire to gain more value than emotional value with which they feel pleasure by shopping. Especially, there are many consumers seeking hedonic shopping value with which they feel pleasure based on dimensions of price as well as practical price. Thus, it is increasingly necessary to establish various price strategies to stimulate emotional value depending on how consumers would perceive price. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of dimensions of price perceived by hair beauty consumers on hedonic shopping value, provide marketing strategies accordingly, propose strategies needed for competitive advantage, and offer academic baseline data. This study targeted adult using beauty shops and analyzed 321 questionnaires with SPSS21.0. Specifically, data was analyzed using frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The study results can be summarized as below. Dimensions of price turned out to be face-saving awareness, price awareness, and value awareness, and hedonic shopping value was one-dimensional. As for the differences in dimensions of price depending on demographic characteristics, women showed relatively higher price awareness than men, and those who often visited a beauty shop showed high face-saving awareness. Those with low monthly incomes showed low value awareness. In addition, all the three factors of dimensions of price turned out to have significant effects on hedonic shopping value. Thus, if beauty service providers would establish marketing strategies that could stimulate the diversified emotional value of consumers based on the study results, they would be able to take competitive advantage. |
Key Words:
Hair beauty consumers, Hedonic shopping value, Price |