Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology 2010;16(2):577-589.
Published online June 30, 2010.
뷰티 서비스를 통한 여성노인의 우울감과 자아존중감에 미치는 효과
오은정, 정지영, 최근희
Research Paper : Effects of Melancholia and Self-respect to Old Females Receiving Beauty Services
Eun Jeong Oh, Ji Young Jung, Keun Hee Choi
Currently in Korea, due to the development of medical technology and science, risen living standard and the improvement of social environment, the population of older people is increasing rapidly. Because of lengthened span of lives and decreased birth rate, the population of aged people who are more than 65 years old has increased rapidly, and it is forecast to enter into an aging society. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the actual conditions of having beauty services targeting the increasing population of the aged and to investigate how much the beauty services affect the old people on melancholia and self-respect so that the beauty services can be provided for them to have happy declining years. The following is the result of the study. First, age of the subjects, current living conditions, main source of income, current health conditions and the amount of monthly expenses did not show any distinctive difference among the groups of control, cut, perm, dye and mix. Second, since there was no difference among each group shown in respect of the consciousness level of their appearances, the level of their interest in beauty services, the kinds of the services frequently received, the intervals between cuts, perm. and dyes, the purpose of having hair treatment and the kinds of services they want to get, homogeneity was verified. Third, though some questions were answered negatively compared to other questions, there was no significant difference among each group in respect of the scores about melancholia of the groups of control, cut, perm, dye and mix before the operations. Fourth, the fluctuation about melancholia among the groups of cut, perm, dye and mix after the operations did not show significant differences in each group, however, melancholia was decreased in every group in the order of perm, dye, mix and cut. Therefore, it was informed that there are significant differences about melancholia and selfrespect depending on the beauty operations.
Key Words: Aged people, Melancholia, Self-respect, Beauty services

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