미용사의 교육훈련이 업무수행능력과 조직유효성에 미치는 영향 |
장소연, 진용미 |
Research Paper : An Effect of Social Support of Beautician on Exhaustion |
So Yeon Jang, Yong Mi Jin |
Abstract |
The curriculum and programs of hairdresser became systematic and principled because of the rapid change of the beauty industry. However, there are only few researches concerning how these curriculums and programs affect to the job performance and organizational effectiveness of hairdressers. Therefore, we classified the items consisting these curriculums and programs into educational training realization, necessity, job performance and orginational effectiveness. Based on this classification, we concluded that the positive attitude of trainees, which is caused by the professional training programs, tends to lead high achievement of job performance and organizational effectiveness. As the result, professional training programs are needed to improve job performance and orginizational effectiveness of the hairdresser. In the perspective that we classified, the development of varied professional training programs, detailedly segmented beauty skills, business educations and service educations are required to improve both of job performance and organizational effectiveness. |
Key Words:
Taraining, Beauty specialist, Organizational Effectiveness, Beauty salon, Beauty Industry |